Sunday, April 5, 2009

DDD Update: Farewell, Ghostlands!

The Dreamland Dungeon Delvers finally completed their quests in the Ghostlands!

Here's the photo summary of the night's exploits. (All photos can be clicked to bring up their full resolution.)

Work began at exactly 20:00 hours (8pm EST) after a brisk round of "catch tthe heavy leather ball" (provide by Echthalion) as the team set forth from the Sanctum of the Sun to finish those pesky Troll village quests. Ironically, we were assisted by a Troll.

By 9:42 we were duking it out with Deatholme's resident Dark Dude, Dar'Khan Drathir.

9:58pm: Once we had Dar'Khan's Head, we were off to take it to Lor'themar Theron, Silvermoon City's head honcho. Bang took the time to dance on his throne while he wasn't looking.

10:05pm: Having said farewell to Jubba who was off to do... troll stuff... the remaining three Triple-Ds continued tying up loose quest ends in the Undercity.

10:29pm: At this point, all of the DDDs are Level 25 except Mrs. Phaythe... so a few kills outside of the Scarlet Monastery are made to bring her up to speed with the group.

10:44pm: Mrs. Phaythe hits Level 25 in Orgrimmar! Grats!

After about three hours of questing, the DDDs began discussions about when they'd next reconvene. Schedules are challenging, so the next excursion will probably occur sometime after the Easter weekend and is likely to be in the Blackfathom Deeps. Until next time, keep your buffs a-flowing and your casters sheeped!

New Bank Tab!

Thanks to contributions made by all, Angatari now has a third guild bank tab! The tab is called "Crafting Tab" and the new icon looks like this:

"But hey! We already had a crafting tab!" you may rightfully exclaim. Well the second tab is now known as the "Gathering Tab" and has the same icon as before:

So with the extra space, we are now able to get more specific about where things go and the tabs will hopefully map a little more closely to the different roles our characters perform (gathering vs. crafting.)

So where do I put things now?

If the item is gathered (Copper Ore, Linen Cloth, Firefin Snapper) then it goes in the Gathering tab. (You picked it up with your hands... see how the icon helps?)

If the item is crafted (Copper Bars, Bolts of Linen Cloth, Fire Oil) then it belongs in the Crafting tab where many other bright and shiny materials can be found.

For more information, consult the updated Guild Bank Rules which have new tab photos, breakdowns, and our happy three icons.

If you have suggestions about how the bank organization could work better, speak up!

Oh- and our beloved pumpkin hasn't changed a bit. :)

Saturday, April 4, 2009

DDD Update: Seven Bosses Wailing in the Caverns

The Wailing Caverns (WC) are well known for being both loot-worthy and looooong. It took much longer to slag through WC than it did SFK, but we did it without completely wiping. More notably, we did it without completely falling asleep! The caverns were wailing, alright. Wailing with the screams of pain from the bosses we felled in bloodthirsty succession. But it took almost four hours! Here's a photographic summary (courtesy of Bang):

8:44pm - Entering the caverns on 4/3/2009:
(See you tomorrow!!!)

9:20pm - We've made our way into the instance
and are now blasting Lady Anacondra:

9:55pm - Lord Cobrahn is humiliated
before the Mighty Heyboy:

10:40pm - Lord Pythas falls to the fury
of Jubba's fearless firing:

11:02pm - Putting Scum in his place:

11:18pm - Heyboy demonstrates advanced
spelunking maneuvers... three times:

11:37pm - Verdan the Everliving doesn't
quite live up to his name:

11:42pm - Bang is asleep on the job again.
Everyone else works to bring down Lord Serpentis:

12:09am - After a chaotic battle with
Mutanus the Destroyer, Phaythe emerges triumphant:

12:41am - With the quests turned in, the group
celebrates high above the caverns with pyrotechnics:

Notes from the players:
  • Phaythe ran low on Elixirs of Defense... bring around 8 next time

  • Jubba ran out of bullets! (But he has a plan...)

  • Everyone going AFK at the same time while camped in the instance isn't the brightest of ideas.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

DDD Update: Target=Arugal

Tonight we welcomed Jubba into our group for the first time. Ol' Jub managed to level from 1-22 in less than a week just so he could come along with us! His help made a notable difference as we dropped mobs like flies once the DPS was called in. Thanks, Jub!

Our area of destruction tonight was Shadowfang Keep (SFK). While we were in there, a mutual friend in our chat channel said "Are you guys doing Shadowfang as a four-man?" It hadn't occurred to us that we were hot-dogging it: it was just the next stop on our map. We sustained no deaths until we reached the last boss (Arugal.) It didn't take him long to turn our tank into a drooling werewolf and then teleport across the room. So, yeah- we wiped. And our chatty friend made sure to offer help "...after you guys wipe for like the seventh time let me know and I'll come help." Feh.

As it turned out, we only wiped that one time and quickly returned to serve out a cold dish to the insidious Worgen ruler. When the going got tough, the DDDs got going with serious and unstoppable DPS. Our poor tank needed a res, though.

So what did we learn?

Well for one, we need a contingency plan for when the tank suddenly starts howling at the moon. It also helps to "cut the chatter" when the fight is on. With only the necessary talking going on during battle, important messages from the tank like "I'M A WEREWOLF!!!" won't get stepped on.

We also needed to be ready for that spell before it landed on us. An ounce of prevention...

(No party photos this time... our cameraman suddenly got furry and scampered away.)

Monday, March 23, 2009

DDD Update: Fear Us, Knucklerot!

Tonight we quested in the Ghostlands, primarily in Deatholme. One of our quests was "Wanted: Knucklerot and Luzran" from Tranquillian and we had a hard time finding ol' Knuckles. After killing Luzran for what seemed like the tenth time that big Knucklehead snuck up on us and we dropped him like a gray item.

With both of the big baddies lying dead at their feet, the group posed for a photo. Unfortunately, Luzran respawned before the camera clicked and the resulting photo shows him in the background. I guess he's camera shy.

(Photo courtesy of Bang)

Friday, March 20, 2009

DDD Update: Our First Instance!

Tonight the Dreamland Dungeon Delvers handled our first instance! All went smoothly as we Raid Targeted pull mobs and sheep mobs, distributed damage across the pulls, and performed Crowd Control. Phaythe healed like a champ and Heyboy tanked effortlessly... the mage could have brought a few more mana potions with him, though!

(Photo courtesy of Bang)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

The Dreamland Dungeon Delvers

The Dreamland Dungeon Delvers (DDDs) are a special interest group within Angatari who focus on raid training. The characters level together... and no leveling is done unless either:

a) All of the current DDDs are logged on and questing together
b) A particular character is playing "catch-up" (e.g. a new member)

Current Delvers:

Recent Exploits: