Sunday, April 5, 2009

DDD Update: Farewell, Ghostlands!

The Dreamland Dungeon Delvers finally completed their quests in the Ghostlands!

Here's the photo summary of the night's exploits. (All photos can be clicked to bring up their full resolution.)

Work began at exactly 20:00 hours (8pm EST) after a brisk round of "catch tthe heavy leather ball" (provide by Echthalion) as the team set forth from the Sanctum of the Sun to finish those pesky Troll village quests. Ironically, we were assisted by a Troll.

By 9:42 we were duking it out with Deatholme's resident Dark Dude, Dar'Khan Drathir.

9:58pm: Once we had Dar'Khan's Head, we were off to take it to Lor'themar Theron, Silvermoon City's head honcho. Bang took the time to dance on his throne while he wasn't looking.

10:05pm: Having said farewell to Jubba who was off to do... troll stuff... the remaining three Triple-Ds continued tying up loose quest ends in the Undercity.

10:29pm: At this point, all of the DDDs are Level 25 except Mrs. Phaythe... so a few kills outside of the Scarlet Monastery are made to bring her up to speed with the group.

10:44pm: Mrs. Phaythe hits Level 25 in Orgrimmar! Grats!

After about three hours of questing, the DDDs began discussions about when they'd next reconvene. Schedules are challenging, so the next excursion will probably occur sometime after the Easter weekend and is likely to be in the Blackfathom Deeps. Until next time, keep your buffs a-flowing and your casters sheeped!

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